Fluorescent Industry Updates
Congress passed the Energy Independence and Security Act in 2007 regulating efficiency rates for light bulbs. By 2012 many fluorescent bulbs must meet minimum Lumen perWatt (LPW)
requirements.These new standards apply to linear T5, T8, T12 and U-Shape
fluorescent bulbs in 4', 8' and 2' U-Shape sizes.
Select lamps that are TCLP compliant (Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure) are better for the environment. This is a test method used to classify waste as hazardous or non-hazardous for the purpose of disposal.

- A 4-foot (T8 or T12) Medium bi-pin must meet 89 LPW from the old industry standard of 75 an improvement of 19%.
- A 2-foot U-shaped LPW (Lumens per Watt) has increased 22% from the old industry standard of 69 to 84 LPW.
- A 8-foot slimline LPW (Lumens per Watt) has increased 21% from the old industry standard of 80 to 97.
- A 8-foot High Output LPW (Lumens per Watt) has increased 15% from the old industry standard of 80 to 92.
Select lamps that are TCLP compliant (Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure) are better for the environment. This is a test method used to classify waste as hazardous or non-hazardous for the purpose of disposal.

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