Claridge Association LED Retrofit 1
The Claridge Condo Association in Fort Lauderdale, Florida turned to Superior Lighting to retrofit their first floor lobby and common areas with LED Lighting and CFL Lighting.
The front hall lobby and elevators lights are on 24/7 making them an excellent choice for LED light bulbs. The initial expense of LED lighting is returned in energy savings within a year or so of the installation. The Claridge went from 45 Watt R20 bulbs to 8 Watt R20 LED bulbs in the hallway; as well as from 50 Watt MR16 bulbs to 6 watt LED MR16 bulbs in the elevator.
The library, conference room, exercise area and social rooms on the first floor have their lights turned off most of the time and so Superior Lighting recommended using dimmable CFL compact fluorescent light bulbs.
LED energy savings is projected to be aprox. $3000 annually.

The front hall lobby and elevators lights are on 24/7 making them an excellent choice for LED light bulbs. The initial expense of LED lighting is returned in energy savings within a year or so of the installation. The Claridge went from 45 Watt R20 bulbs to 8 Watt R20 LED bulbs in the hallway; as well as from 50 Watt MR16 bulbs to 6 watt LED MR16 bulbs in the elevator.
The library, conference room, exercise area and social rooms on the first floor have their lights turned off most of the time and so Superior Lighting recommended using dimmable CFL compact fluorescent light bulbs.
LED energy savings is projected to be aprox. $3000 annually.

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